Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Week 2

So here I am eating my Greek yogurt and pretzel crisps with hummus wondering how I got to this point. Ha ha. I am literally shaking still from my workout and I probably didn't eat enough before the workout so I feel all jittery... Like jello? Yes jello. 
I have made it a week! It was hard and although I did indulge in a snowcone and a brownie throughout that week I feel very proud of myself. I weighed myself yesterday at work (same scale I weighed the first time) and I couldn't believe my eyes. I was hoping to have lost around 2-3 lbs based on my eating, cutting out dr pepper, and exercising.... But to my suprise I had lost 6! 6 whole pounds! Now I know that it will not be that much every week. But I am so excited to see some results. Although it's pretty sad when you are overweight enough that I physically can't see where I lost the 6 pounds. But my jeans don't feel as tight so I'm hoping it's from that area. ;) 
Is it me or does it seem when you are trying to lose weight the first place you lose it is in you your bra? Just a small observation I've made. I mean I don't mind, I don't really care much for the things but really...... How about my butt or my stomach. :) 
Anyways this weekend was hard to stay on track. I think this was mainly due to my sweet sweet husband who is eating whatever he wants (and can get away with it). I just want to do what we normally did and enjoy a post korvers bedtime treat or go on Saturday for our drink run and get a cookie from fabulous Freddy's. But I stayed strong (minus the snowcone) and I feel good about it. I'm slowly starting to not crave soda anymore, only with certain foods really...like Mexican food. Mmmmmm. But I still do miss that sweet "treat" after dinner. 
Being healthy is hard. I sure do hope that with time it just becomes second nature to reach for the wheat bread or whole grain pasta at the grocery store instead of the white. I hope I can learn to like more vegetables than just a sweet potatoe and broccoli. 
Until then I will just keep working and trying to remember that this is for my health and my family. :) 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Finding balance...

My day started with Korver waking up with a fever of 101, teeth coming in, and a super snotty nose. 
On a typical day like today the old me (me three days ago) would go into what I'd like to call sick mode. Yes, although I am completely aware that it is not I that is sick. Although I might as well be because the whole day is pretty much shot. Korver gets super clingy, no housework gets done, and we usually end up taking a short trip to the nearest place with a drive up for a dr pepper for mommy. 

Well this is a trial and error process. But I'm smart enough to know that I could not let this desire to go into sick mode and drink all my calories (although I still want too!!) get the best of me. So instead I got all his toys out in the living room turned on frozen and held my baby. Then after lunch it was time for a nap....for him of course. :) every part of me wanted to just sit down and eat junk food and turn on a show BUT what I have learned already through the last 2 workouts is that I always feel SO MUCH BETTER if I just get off my butt and do it. So that it was I did. I put on my workout clothes and worked out. I was right!! I feel so much better now.
 I did end up giving into a peanut butter and jelly sandwich but it was on whole wheat bread with you know the healthy PB and natural jam? (No sugar added?) It ended up being only 300 calories so I'm fine with it and boy did it taste good! I topped it off with an apple and I now I am starting to realize why people eat right and workout. To feel this way.....although I'm sore....very very sore. I have more energy, I'm in a better mood, and I feel like even on this "sick day" I can accomplish anything I want too. 
I've had a hard time deciding how to balance housework,workouts, playtime with K, and time with my hubby, but It seems to just work out and in the end if I'm doing a butt load of dishes after dinner to catch up from the day then that will just have to be okay. Finding balance is a hard thing especially at this stage in my life. It seems I'm always adding more to my plate, but I know that if I take 45 minutes to 1 hour of the day to dedicate to me and my health that I will not only have the energy to do everything else but, I will be more positive about it too. Endorphins make you happy right?? :) 

Here's to another day...... :) 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The purpose of this blog and my very first post!

Hello! I am starting a new journey/endeavor and one of the ways to help me stay motivated is by blogging my results.
I'll start off by saying this is truly not to inspire, show off, or make anyone feel inferior. This is for me and truly I don't even know if this is going to work. But I sure as heck am going to try.
Let me share the back story. I have always felt I had my body in check for the most part. I danced when I was younger, then was on the cheer team in high school... So I was in pretty good shape ,and as comfortable as any teenager could be with her body. Then my 20's came and yes although I wasn't as active, I was still rather comfortable with my body. Flash forward to now. I am twenty eight years old have had one child and am close to 40 lbs overweight. My goal weight is not a 110lbs or some unrealistic number in my head. My goal weight is 130 lbs. for my height (5'6") and body type this is a suggested weight for me. If you can do the math...please don't. Ha ha. But the test I took said I was not only overweight but close to being Obese. How did this happen?   This realization came to me when I had to test my weight for a wellness thing at work and was astounded by what I saw.
NOW let me stop you right now and say this is not a numbers blog. I will not JUST be posting how much weight I've lost and before and after pictures. This will be my true feelings about this process of getting back into shape.
I also want to clarify that this is not just to lose weight or feel good about my LOOKS. This is so that I am HEALTHY. This is so that I know I will be here for my family and my child. I need to know I will be here for all those memories, and that I can make some with him without be exhausted and panting after 2 minutes of play.

So let's get started should we. What am I going to be doing? No extreme diets or pills just simply eating right and exercise. Of course I didn't just gain 40+ lbs in one day it was a process that took months and years and so I cannot expect to lose my weight in weeks or months. This is a lifestyle change not a diet and exercise program. All those yes I am doing both of those things.
So what will I be doing. For one thing I have cut out unwanted calories. Mainly for me this means no 32 oz dr peppers everyday and not eating a sweet after dinner.  Plus I am  eating around 1600 calories a day and eating good stuff i.e. Fruits ,veggies, lean meats, and whole wheat pastas and bread. For exercise I plan on doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred workout DVD as well as 20 minute turbo jam kickboxing DVD for cardio.

Today is day 2 and I feel...... Well hungry,Insatiable, and sore. But I know it can only go up from here. My body is use to a horrible diet and not much exercise, and well.... That's got to change. So if your reading this thanks for letting me vent my future frustrations, failures, and even successes to you. Because I am a work in progress..........